Tuesday 4 February 2014

A Story About Baby Elephants

Somebody told me an absolutely cracking story the other day. All credit and many thanks to Sam Brennan, who was that somebody, and has brought the brilliance of this story into my life. It goes like this…

A man is being shown around backstage at an old circus. The trainer shows him where the elephants are standing around, chains round their ankles holding them to posts in the ground.
“Wow!” says the man, “they seem very calm, do they not mind being chained up like that?”
“Oh they don’t like it,” replied the trainer, “they don’t like it at all.”
“Well in that case, why aren’t they struggling? Are the chains too strong for them? Have they given up?”
“Actually, the chains are not too strong for them at all. These are 4 ton elephants. They could snap those things easily. Even if they couldn’t, to be honest if they tried they could pull the whole post out of the ground!”
“What? Then why don’t they?”
“They have been in these chains since they were very young. When they were just babies they used to try to run away and break the chains, but they weren’t strong enough. So they stopped trying. And now, they just don’t try.”

I love that story. Not because it makes me happy to think about chained up elephants obviously – it’s pretty tragic in it’s own way – but because I think it’s so true. Everyone was laughing at me after Sam told it the other night because I was doing such a massive wide-eyes ‘oh-that’s-such-a-good-story’ face! So here’s a couple of things it makes me think.

One: We Don’t Know Now So We Assume We Can’t Know Ever.

I think there are a lot of people in the world today who are convinced that we can’t really know the answers to the big questions. That we can’t really discover any proper truth about who we are or what the world is or what we’re supposed to do with our lives. So for a lot of people the best we can do is 1) guess, 2) not overcommit, and 3) try to get along. And that’s a decent start I’ll grant – better than 1) guess, 2) kill everyone that guessed differently – but what if that’s settling for much less than we’re capable of? What if that’s just standing around thinking the chains are too strong for us when really we could be free? What I mean is: when was the last time most people really tried to investigate the answers to the big questions? To be honest I think a lot of us feel like we’re too busy to think about, read about, or talk about the meaning of life. And when you think about it that seems a little bit silly. And I honestly believe that we can know the answers, that we can discover who we are and what we’re living for – I believe that the chains are not too strong for us. So let’s give ‘em a go, surely? *

Two: We Think We’ll Always Be Normal, When God Can Make Us Wonderful.

I think a lot of Christians end up like the elephants in a different way, stuck where we are when we could so definitely be free. We have somehow been led to believe that while God is capable of creating the universe, inventing the supernova and the crafting the kiwi-fruit; capable of turning water into wine, giving sight to the blind, and raising Jesus from the dead; he is mysteriously not capable of changing who we are. That’s not true. He is able – not just that but he is ready and eager – to transform us completely. To take us, little problematic people that we are, and make us well-springs, volcanoes, where the unlimited, unimaginable love and light and goodness of God erupts into the world. He is able to deal with – and by deal with I mean deal with and be done with – our fears, our insecurities, our failures, the things about us that hurt people, the things about us that hurt ourselves. He’s a 4 ton elephant and he can break us out of whatever trap we’re in, whatever cycle, whether that’s really nasty dark stuff or whether it’s just feeling uninteresting and unimportant. All we’ve got to do is ask him, get his help, press into him, and trust him. I hope this doesn’t sound too much just like fancy words, because I really believe it’s true – it’s not always easy or painless but it is true. You may think that you’re a little baby elephant and the chains are too strong – but the biggest elephant in the world put your chain round his ankle just to be with you, and if you’ll let him, he can uproot everything that ties you down. Seriously – he can uproot galaxies.

But the elephants just stopped trying. And they never knew what it felt like to be free.

*The big reason that I think we can know is in the video I made at Christmas, it’s on the blog here in December, called ‘Yuri the Spaceman and Hamlet the Prince’!

Please leave any comments on the facebook link! Thanks.


  1. this is just one thing that could be holding people back but why do you think some people continue doing things that are self destructive?
    not necessarily to their bodies but maybe to the quality of their lives or to living and becoming a better version of themselves.
    I guess it can differ from person to person and problem to problem
    but there are some things in my life which I do persistently and hate myself for doing. and yet I find myself doing them again and again excessively. is that just the nature of dependence/addiction?
    but you know what's really strange, it's that I always have this desparate sense that this could be solved so simply(by just not doing), but I always fail.
    you know what else is really strange and just fricking scary? it's that I find myself having reached a point where doing these things don't elicit the same sense of fear and hesitation that it used to. and it's so... sad, y'know? that one can become like that and continue living like that as if it's ok to live like that when it really isn't. and then you realise and it's like, what happened?
    I wonder sometimes if I can ever achieve that sense of.. sharpness and awareness of what I'm doing. of what's right/wrong.
    I"m not sure about other people, but for me, I used go to God when things were bad and forget him when things were going well. but now, I don't feel comfortable doing that.

    1. Hi! I'm really sorry that it's been so long since you left this comment, but I don't think I get notifications about it or whatever so I didn't realise!
      I don't really know the answers to your questions if I'm honest, it sounds pretty tricky. What I do know from experience is that whether its good times or difficult times it is always the best plan to push through whatever holds you back and talk to God. It also really helps if you have a friend or a mentor or whatever who can talk things through and pray with you, so I'd recommend that too if you know anyone that you could ask.
      Again, sorry it's been so long! But thank you for commenting!
