Friday 4 April 2014

A German Gets Happy (Weird Story #2)

So this is the second instalment of the series of strange stories from people I love, and now we move into the crazy world of hearing from a person who actually experienced a miracle. This is Tim, my friend from church (who is also, if you’re interested, or even if you’re not interested, an incredible accapella artist and general musical genius). Enjoy!

Hello world. My name is Tim, I attend the same church as Mike and he has asked me to have a go at blogging. This shall in fact be my first blog post ever. Please excuse my weird grammar, I only came to this beautiful country in October 2012. I am also an economist. These two things excuse a LOT of weird grammar, but let’s get back to business:

My back has been hurting all my life. That’s the way things are. I’ve been to several specialists and the only thing I found out is that it is some kind of scoliosis. This runs in my family and I have learned to live with it. I’m not in constant agony, it doesn’t even bother me that much on a daily basis, since you can get used to everything. But every two months or so I have a massive pain attack. Most of the times it happens when I get out of bed. I pretty much fall right back into my bed and try to stay there for two or three days until getting up feels normal again. The pain then subsides to its normal base level after about a week. I live with that base level of pain at any given time.

That former statement was true until that one night at church.

The day before, a group of us musicians had made an hour-long trip to our church centre in Peterborough, where we rehearsed for a whole day. However, this day ended up being one of those days that I would normally spend in bed. I participated, sometimes standing up, sometimes sitting, sometimes lying on the floor. We prayed for my back and - if I am completely honest - I didn’t believe that would change anything. Now this might sound harsh, so let me elaborate: I didn’t doubt God’s existence, I didn’t doubt my faith, but I had never experienced God as a God who heals physically. I had always intellectually believed in a God who heals, but I had also always lived with pain. Somehow my life reality and God’s promises didn’t line up that well.

A day later we actually put our newly rehearsed material to the test, it was amazing, God’s presence was strong, but my back was still unchanged. So after the service I was happy to get some relief by lying in the back of the Cambridge Revolution Bar where we have our student services. What a weird sight.

Three of my friends came up to me, asked about my back and prayed for me. Amongst them was a guy who is known to his church buddies for his deep appreciation for God’s healing touch and of course his impeccable fashion sense. When they were done praying he asked me if I was doing better. This was one of the more awkward moments of my life, because I really wasn’t. Not even slightly. Instead of evading the question, I was brave enough to say ‘not really’. The response came completely natural: ‘Then let’s pray again.’
These people genuinely believed, that God would heal me. These people had so much confidence in God and his good plans for us, that they didn’t even consider that it might just not work.

And it worked.

It really did.

It was the weirdest feeling of my life but I got healed. It was incredibly awkward during the first days, when it really felt as if there was something missing in my back. For the three months since then, my back has been better than I can remember it ever being. Most of the days I don’t feel my back at all and even when it is at it’s worst now, it is still better than it used to be every single day of my life before.

This is what God has done!

In John 4:13-14, it says: And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

That night in the Cambridge Revolution Bar, God has done something amazing to help me get that little bit closer to a place where I can live completely immersed in his awesome promises. That’s what God’s promises are: Nothing short of awesome. Let’s see what he has in store for us, let’s see what he has in store for you.


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