Wednesday 9 April 2014

Abnormal #unilyf (Weird Story #3)

Have another funny story. This is again actually from the person who the miracle happened to – this time my friend Clare (or, to be more precise, Rachael’s friend Clare, who I know a little bit). When I went to visit last month she had her arm in a sling from dislocating her shoulder on a charity Rock Solid assault course thingumee the weekend before, so it was rather a surprise when Rachael texted to say that this had happened. 

I like this story especially because it all just happened in uni rooms, without mood music or hype, and with two people who I’m not sure had either of them seen a miraculous healing ever before (which, to be fair, is not that surprising!). As always, the sceptic in me starts explaining it away, but on balance I agree with Clare and with Rachael that it was God – your own mind is of course yours to make up. I hope you enjoy it either way!


So at 6am one Sunday morning I found myself sat on a cushion, surrounded by emptying paint pots, fairy lights and bibles, in a cosy 24/7 prayer room. However, I could not get comfortable despite the snug surroundings, as I had dislocated my shoulder the previous weekend (for the 3rd time in my life). But God had placed Emily and Rachael in the room with me, and tentatively he gave Rachael the courage to sit down next to me and ask if she could pray for my shoulder.

Bizarrely, I instantly felt warmth as Rachael placed her hands around the aching areas. My shoulder was still loose in the socket due to the damage to surrounding muscle tissue and tendons, but as she asked God to heal my shoulder and make it feel secure again, we both felt a physical pulse between us. Neither of us could work out, however, who it was that had twitched; it was more of an internal pulse of what I imagine was God’s power flooding through Rachael and down my right arm. The prayer did not ‘fix’ my shoulder, but the permanent dull ache was gone, and perhaps most relieving was the mental change. My fear to use or move my arm in case it dislocated again had vanished, I was no longer permanently holding it at my side.

Following this experience, I felt no need to take the pain killers that I was previously taking every 4 hours, and I didn’t wear my sling for the rest of the day. By the evening, both Rachael and I were simply in awe of what had happened. And so again, cross-legged on her bed, Rachael and I sat down to pray. This time, as Rachael spoke words of thanks for what had happened and prayers for the continuation of such improvement, I felt something like warm water pouring down my arm from her hands and out through my fingertips. Rachael had asked God to use his powers through her, and He did, just so easily. I am still pretty touched that God has placed such an incredible person in front of me just to help me out when I was struggling, and that through Rachael it was something His powers could so easily fix - rather humbling if I’m honest.

 The shoulder specialist is still amazed at how confident I am using my shoulder – and how well, physically, the shoulder has recovered in the short term.

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